
Vocational Education and Training


The Advisory Board for Education and Training for the Building and Construction Industry (Byggeriets Uddannelser), is serving a variety of trade committees.

Vocational Education and Training in the Building and Construction Industry opens up many opportunities for an exciting career. A common feature of the programmes is that they provide access to trades with history, pride and tradition.

Read more about the individual and specialist training courses below or via the menu on the left.


The National Trade Committee for the Education of CarpentersFloor Layers and Thatchers and the education of Drywall Techniacians


The National Trade Committee for the Bricklayer, Stonemason and Stucco Worker Trades responsible for the BricklayerStonemason and Stucco Worker

The National Trade Committee for the Construction Operative, Paver and Roofer Trades responsible for Civil Construction WorkerConcreterPaver and Roofer


The National Trade Committee for the Technical Insulator trade responsible for the Technical Insulator